Bumble Bee nest Removal Manchester

Only £70 - no hidden charges

  • Safe removal of bumble bee nests
  • Quick, efficient, and hassle-free service
  • Same day or next day service
  • Experienced and trained technicians
  • Discreet service with unbranded vans

0161 971 0325
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Manchester bumble bee nest removal

Bumble Bees (Genus – Bombus: Family Apidae) are social bees that build bees nests in attics, gardens, bird boxes and compost heaps, etc.

Bumblebees are often advertised by media sources to be entirely harmless and of no consequence to the safety of you or your family. This is untrue. These common bees can live in colonies of a thousand or more, and they will defend themselves with their sting when disturbed. The Tree Bumble Bee (B. hypnorum) is the most aggressive. In the UK, bumblebees number some 24 species yet only six species are still commonly found in our gardens. In the spring bumble bees are among the first large insects to be seen and it is not until early summer that these bees have established colonies of sufficient numbers to cause alarm. In general bumble bees are harmless if left alone, we only encounter problems when young children or pets fail to leave them alone.
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Information about bumble bees

Frequently Asked Questions

No – but in our opinion, control of bumble bees should be tightly regulated. Bumble bees are one of nature’s true wonders and are a key reason we are able to enjoy the great wealth of fruits & vegetables etc that is nature’s bounty. After a good recovery in bumble bee numbers last year we are hoping they will continue to recover this year especially. We want to help these creatures survive in greater numbers, so future generations have the chance to enjoy them and on that note we offer a re-homing service.

Bumble Bees Sting Multiple Times. Bumble bees like honey bees have a defensive sting that is very effective. They will only sting in most cases where they are handled or compressed when someone treads on one.
Bumble bees have stings without the barbs of the Honey Bee. This means a bumblebee can sting multiple times with no ill effects on itself.
Fortunately, we have not encountered any instances where a customer has been stung by one of the insects, and experienced a severe allergic reaction.
The European Tree Bumble Bee Bombus hypnorum is one exception. These bees nest at height and readily attack people who disturb them.
Tree Bumble Bees tend to focus an attack on the head and face, making these bees a major problem. The best way to avoid being stung is to leave the bees alone or call in professional help.

Read our advice with regards to treating stings

Not everyone loves bees, especially those suffering from phobias and severe sting allergies. People at risk of Anaphylactic reactions from bee stings include both adults and young children, and they need to be protected.
Whatever spin you place on it, the realities are played out the same every year. If we don’t manage the tiny proportion of inconvenient bumble bee nests safely and sensitively, there are plenty of chemicals amateurs can buy to kill the bees themselves.
DIY pesticides are used at great risk to others, and often contaminate surrounding hives and causing untold damage to the local areas bee and insect populations.

Bumble Bees produce very small quantities of honey compared to honey bees therefore bumble bees can’t be farmed for honey.

For the best bumble bee nest removal in Manchester

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Call Manchester Bumble Bee Nest Removal to book a treatment on

0161 971 0325.

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