Manchester Wasp nest Removal

Only £60 - no hidden charges

  • Safe removal of wasp nests
  • Quick, efficient, and hassle-free service
  • Same day or next day service
  • Experienced and trained technicians
  • Discreet service with unbranded vans

0161 971 0325
Guranteed wasp nest removal
...or your money back

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Manchester wasp nest removal

Over 98% of our wasp nest treatments are destroyed on our first visit, and we are so sure of our success rate, we offer a second appointment free of charge if the first is not completely successful.

Wasp nests are usually found under tiles, in loft spaces, in the ground and in hedges. Manchester Wasp Nest Removal uses a variety of methods to destroy the nest depending on its location. A professional use only contact dust is the normal method of application which kills off the colony within hours. Because of the dangers involved in dealing with a wasp nest protective clothing is always worn. If a day appointment isn’t suitable for you, we offer a weekend or evening wasp nest treatment at no extra cost. We use the most advanced equipment for a professional and safe wasp nest removal. After applying a specialist pesticide, the nest and any wasps returning to it will be destroyed within a few hours. All we ask is that you keep yourselves and pets away from the treated wasp nest for 24 hrs after treatment to guarantee optimum results.


If you think you have a wasp nest on your property, please do not approach it, wasps are aggressive if provoked, and simply getting close is enough to aggravate them.

Stings are unpleasant, painful and in some cases, an anaphylactic shock reaction is potentially life threatening. Even a lone wasp is capable of mobilising its entire nest to trigger an attack, so this is a job best left to the professionals knowing that a wasp removal professional can destroy the nest within a few hours for only £60.

We cover all of Manchester and Greater Manchester area.

CALL NOW 0161 971 0325
Information about wasps

Frequently Asked Questions

No, they don’t.
The reason behind this is similar to the reason why they can sting you multiple times. Because their stinger is smooth it can be easily inserted and withdrawn from your skin. On the other hand, a bee’s stinger is barbed; this causes it to get stuck when they sting you. As the bee moves away it ends up ripping it’s stinger off its body as it gets stuck in your skin, which ultimately causes their demise.

Yes, they can.
Unlike bees, wasps can sting you multiple times, thanks to the anatomy of their stinger. The stinger of a wasp is smooth, allowing them to easily insert and withdraw their stinger to deliver multiple stings.

Although both wasps and bees belong to the Hymenoptera order of insects, they are actually quite different.
The main difference is that wasps are a lot more aggressive than bees, and will sting with little aggravation. Some species of bees can, and will, produce honey whereas no species of wasp has this ability to do this.
Other notable differences are body length and size. Bees tend to have robust, hairy bodies, whilst wasps have slender bodies with a narrow waist.

Well no, not really. As an insect group wasps aren’t regarded as pollinators.
However, there are some exceptions. Some species of wasp, such as the Masarinae subfamily, and fig wasps are known to be potential and sometimes efficient pollinators, contributing to the pollination of several plant species.

It is pretty difficult to give a generalised answer around the diet of wasps as this can vary between different species.
Generally, the wasps found in your garden will feed on:

• nectar
• fruit
• insects
• sugar

Did you know that paper wasps feed on carrion, which is found in dead flesh and often go hunting for deceased insects to feed on?

It may surprise you to learn that hornets are actually wasps!
Yes, you read that right. Hornets are a subset of wasps and are a breed of special wasps living in large, highly organized colonies.
The main difference between wasps and hornets is their size and colouring. On average, hornets are a lot larger than wasps and usually come in a black and white or brownish red colouring. Wasps appear in a variety of colours, depending on the species.

To answer this question simply, no they don’t.
Although wasps, like bees, drink nectar, they lack the ability to process this into honey. That’s not to say they don’t like it though, as in some instances wasps have been known to steal honey, in large amounts, from bee hives.

For the best wasp nest removal in Manchester

Get in touch

Protect your family and home today from invading wasps.

Call Manchester Wasp Nest Removal to book a treatment on
0161 971 0325.

Treatment costs a fixed fee of £60

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